Art Spectrum Artists’ Oils

$12.00$199.30 INCLUDES GST

Art Spectrum Artists’ Oil Colours Professional Quality


Art Spectrum Artists’ Oils

Art Spectrum Artists’ Oils are beautiful Australian made professional artist oil paints. To make a permanent artists’ paint, it is of the utmost importance to not only have lightfast pigments and pure linseed oil (safflower oil in whites), but also to ensure they are thoroughly milled. All colours are triple-milled to ensure that every pigment particle is completely coated with the vehicle, and evenly dispersed. The result is a stable paint film that has even surface tensions. Genuine oil colours characteristically smell of pure and natural vegetable oils.

Many unique and beautiful ‘Australian’ colours are featured in the 105 oil colour range with series from 1 to 5. So they are the true Australian oil colour paints every Australian painter should have. These Oil Colour Paints can be applied with palettes knives, hog brushes or painting tools. On average they will be touch dry – 2-4 weeks depending on humidity, temperature environment and thickness of the paint applied.

Art Spectrum are Australia’s most respected oil paints because they conform to the classic tradition. To make a permanent artists’ paint, it is of the utmost importance to not only have lightfast pigments and pure linseed oil (safflower oil in whites) but to ensure they are thoroughly milled as well. All their colours are triple-milled to ensure that every pigment particle is completely coated with the vehicle, and evenly dispersed. The result is a stable paint film that has even surface tension. Genuine oil colours characteristically smell of pure and natural vegetable oils.

Click here for more information about Art Spectrum and Colour Charts


The Artist Warehouse


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art spec oil colours

alizarin crimson S4, aureolin S5, aust leaf green blue S3, australian green gold S3, australian green grey S1, australian grey S2, australian leaf green dark S3, australian leaf green light S3, australian red gold S3, Australian yellow green S2, bronze S3, bronze S3, brown pink S3, burnt sienna S1, burnt umber S1, cadmium green S4, cadmium maroon S5, Cadmium Orange Series 4, cadmium red deep S4, cadmium red S4, cadmium scarlet S4, cadmium yellow deep S4, cadmium yellow light S4, cadmium yellow S4, cerulean blue S4, cobalt blue deep S4, cobalt blue S4, cobalt green S4, cobalt violet dark S5, cobalt violet S5, copper S3, coral S3, flesh tint deep S1, flesh tint S1, flinders blue violet dark S3, flinders blue violet S3, flinders red violet S3, french ultramarine S3, gold S3, golden yellow S2, indian red S1, indian yellow S2, indigo blue S2, italian pink S3, ivory black S1, Jaune brilliant S1, lamp black S1, lemon yellow S1, light red S1, lilac S2, manganese blue hue S1, mars violet S1, mineral violet S4, naples yellow redish S1, naples yellow S1, olive green S2, oxide of chromium S3, paynes grey S1, permanent crimson S3, permanent magenta S3, permanent mauve S2, Permanent rose S4, permanent vandyke brown S1, phthalo blue S1, phthalo green S1, pilbara red S3, prussian blue S1, Quinacridone Magenta, quinacridone maroon S4, raw sienna S1, raw umber S1, rose dore S4, rose Madder S5, sap green S2, sapphire S2, silver S3, spectrum blue S1, spectrum cerulean S1, spectrum clear S2, spectrum crimson S1, spectrum emerald S1, spectrum green light S1, spectrum orange S4, spectrum red deep S1, spectrum red S1, spectrum vermilion S1, spectrum violet S1, spectrum viridian S1, spectrum yellow S1, tasman blue S3, terre verte S1, terre verte traditional S1, titanium white no 2 thick S2, titanium white S1, titanium yellow S2, transparent black S1, transparent brown earth S1, transparent gold oxide S2, Transparent Orange Oxide, transparent pink oxide S1, transparent red oxide S2, turquoise S3, ultramarine blue S1, underpainting white S1, viridian S4, yellow ochre S1, zink white S1

art spec oil sizes smaller tubes

40ml tube, 150ml tube


Art Spectrum


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