Gansai Tambi Watercolour Sets

$28.20$95.60 INCLUDES GST


The Ideal Gift For Watercolour Artists


Gansai Tambi Watercolour Sets

Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor Sets are available in 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Watercolour Pan Sets. They are handcrafted, professional-quality Japanese watercolours with a highly blendable, creamy-smooth consistency. The colours are rich and intense, and exhibit greater opacity than European or American watercolours in traditional Japanese style. Light fast water-based pigment paint that can range from transparent to opaque depending on the amount of water added for dilution. Non-toxic.  Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolour Sets are great for students, artists and hobbyists. They can be used for plein air, sketching, illustration and sumi-e (traditional Japanese ink painting) and mush more. Colours also work well on darker papers. We always recommend a heavier gsm paper when exploring advanced watercolour techniques. Brush recommendation: Use a watercolour or Taklon Brush. Colours wash out in water.

Gansai Tambi Watercolour Sets

    • Traditional Japanese pan watercolors for professional artists and crafters.
    • It is recognizable by its vivid color and quick dissolution.
    • It fulfills the needs of many creators in their pursuit of beauty in their artwork.
    • Best used with watercolour paper, Yupo, Mineral Paper, mixed media paper, Watercolour Canvas Boards, or a high GSM cartridge paper.

12 Colour and 18 Colour Sets Contain:

  • 12 Colour Set: White (10) Black (20), Cadmium Scarlet (31), Rose Madder Deep (36), Lemon Yellow (40), Yellow Ochre (44), Burnt Sienna (46), Sap Green (53), Viridian (55), Ultramarine (64) and Indigo (67).
  • 12 Colour Set (set 2): Indian Red (71), Lilac (13), Lime Green (59), Maroon (72), Natural Beige (11), Rose Beige (12), Blue Gray Deep (68), Cherry Blossom Pink (14), Cobalt Blue (60), Gray (21), Greenish Yellow (48), and Horizon Blue (69).
  • 18 Colour Set: White (10) Black (20), Cadmium Scarlet (31), Red (32), Rose Madder (34), Rose Madder Deep (36), Cobalt Violet (No. 139), Lemon Yellow (40), Yellow Ochre (44), Burnt Sienna (46), Sap green Light (51), Hookers Green (No. 52), Sap Green (53), Viridian (55), Ultramarine Pale (No. 61),  Turquoise Blue (62), Ultramarine (64) and Indigo (67).

24 Colour Sets Contain:

  • 24 Colours Set: Black (20), Ultramarine Blue (64), Burnt Sienna (46), Turquoise Blue (62), Ultramarine Pale (61), Raw Umber Deep (47), Rose Madder (34), Indigo (67), Sap Green Deep (58), Viridian (55), Lemon Yellow (40), Yellow Ochre (44), Sap Green Light (51), Sap Green (53), Cadmium Yellow (43), Hookers Green (52), Olive Green (54), Malachite (50), Cobalt Violet (139), Red (32), Cadmium Scarlet (31), Turquoise Green Deep (57), White (10), and Rose Madder Deep (36).
  • 24 Colour Set (set 2): Saffron Yellow (404), Green Gold (405), Flax Beige (401), Ecru Beige (16), Pale Pink (18), Coral Pink (17), Potter’s Pink (19), Vermillion (302), Alizarine Crimson (304), Mauve Taupe (303), Old Mauve (301), Grayish Blue (601), Cobalt Turquoise LIght (602), Pale Aqua (15), Cobalt Green (503), Billiard Green (502), Shadow Green (506), Pea Green (501), Ivy Green (505), Green Gray (504), Beige Gray (406), Tellow Brown (49), Mars Yellow (402) and Venetian Red (403).

36 Colour Set Contains:

  • White (10), Black (20), Cadmium Red (30),Cadmium Scarlet (31), Red (32), Cadmium Orange (33), Rose Madder (34), Carmine (35), Rose Madder Deep (36), Purple (37), Imperial Violet (38), Cobalt Violet (139), Lemon Yellow (40), Aureolin (42), Cadmium Yellow (43), Yellow Ochre (44), Burnt Sienna (46), Raw Umber Deep (), Malachite (50), Sap Green Light (51), Sap Green (53), Hookers Green (52), Olive Green (54), Viridian (55), Forest Green (56), Turquoise Green Deep (57), Sap Green Deep (58), Ultramarine Pale (61), Turquoise Blue (62), Cerulean Blue (63), Ultramarine (64), Prussian Blue (66), Indigo (No. 67), Gold (90), Bluish Gold (91) and White Gold (906).

48 Colour Set Contains:

  • Aureolin (42), Black (20), Blue Gray Deep (68), Bluish Gold (91), Burnt Sienna (46), Cadmium Red (30), Cadmium Orange (33), Cadmium Scarlet (31), Cadmium Yellow (43), Carmine (35), Cerulean Blue (63), Cherry Blossom Pink (14), Cobalt Blue (60), Cobalt Violet (139), Forest Green (56), Gold (90), Gray (21), Greenish Yellow (48), Hooker’s Green (52), Horizon Blue (69), Imperial Violet (38), Indian Red (71), Indigo ( 67), Lemon Yellow (40), Lilac (13), Lime Green (59), Malachite (50), Maroon (72), Natural Beige (11), Olive Green (54), Prussian Blue (66), Purple (37), Raw Umber Deep (47), Red (32), Rose Beige (12), Rose Madder ( 34), Rose Madder Deep (36), Sap Green (53), Sap Green Deep (58), Sap Green Light (51), Turquoise Blue (62), Turquoise Green Deep (57), Ultramarine ( 64), Ultramarine Pale (61), Viridian (55), White (10), White Gold (906), and Yellow Ochre (44).

The Artist Warehouse

We stock quality art supplies and sell them straight to the public at wholesale prices. This also means you can pay what most art retailers pay and save.  It is also perfect for any budget size. At these low prices, why not give these a go?

Also, be sure to check out our other products on our website and start saving today.


Check out our other products below:

Gansai Tambi Watercolour Sets

Graphite Metallic Watercolour Set

Opal Metallic Watercolour Set

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Pearl Metallic Watercolour Set

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Additional information

Gansai Tambi Sets

Gem Colours 6 Set, Graphite Colours 6 Set, Opal Colours 6 Set, Pearl Colours 6 Set, Starry Colours 6 Set, Watercolour Pan Set of 12, Watercolour Pan Set of 12 (set2), Watercolour Pan Set of 18, Watercolour Pan Set of 24, Watercolour Pan Set of 24 (Set2), Watercolour Pan Set of 36, Watercolour Pan Set of 48



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