Rabbit Skin Glue


Art Spectrum


Rabbit Skin Glue

Art Spectrum’s Rabbit Skin Glue is used to size canvas or linen before oil painting in order to coat and protect the fibers from deterioration caused by the oxidation of linseed oil that would otherwise penetrate the fibers. Rabbit Skin Glue will tighten the fabric as well as make it stiff. Sizing a canvas seals the surface to make it less absorbent, and is the first step in preparing a canvas for use with oils. Once applied, the size made with Rabbit Skin Glue will act as a penetrating liquid, filling the pores of the canvas. This isolates the fabric from subsequent applications of primer or oil paint and prevent canvas rot.  Please note that it should not be used under Acrylic Gesso or Art Spectrum Oil Prime.

Surface Preparation Directions:

  • Dissolve 1 part Art Spectrum Rabbit Skin Glue to 13 parts cold water.
  • Soak overnight until all the water has been absorbed by the glue to a porridge-like consistency.
  • Gently heat the mixture in a double boiler, stirring until the glue dissolves (be careful not to let the glue boil).
  • Apply to your surface with a stiff brush while the mixture is still warm (not hot).
  • Once sized, your surface can be lightly sanded for your ground layer to adhere better.


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